What are the Advantages of Using Pavement Tiles?

Pavements have been popular since ancient times. The Romans used mosaic-like patterns as superficial surface covering across most of their floors. Paving materials were relatively simple such as asphalt, concrete, cobblestone, etc. But modern times and modern applications require innovative solutions. They are now highly sought after by developers and homeowners involved in independent construction. Today’s pavement tiles can practically be used anywhere. In fact, pavement tiles have a variety of advantages that make them highly useful in construction and landscape architecture. 



You cannot go wrong with the versatility of pavement tiles. As mentioned before, they can be used anywhere. In Bangladesh they are particularly used in parking lot floors, walkways, footpaths, driveways, roads, patios, and other outdoor flooring platforms. They are also used to add to the aesthetics of landscaping in gardens and rooftops. Many dirt roads or damaged floors are now replaced with pavement tiles for this reason. Pavement tiles can be used in commercial projects, residential complexes, industrial yards, inside homes, basements, and more. 



When a person walks through a dirt road the experience is not pleasant. It can damage the feet and lead to an unpleasant experience. If the dirt road is covered with pavement tiles it appears more elegant and the walking experience becomes more refreshing. Therefore, pavement tiles add more elegance to any floor. This is exactly why they are popular materials to explore in landscaping. Their earthly natural tones make sidewalks and other outdoor floors appear extra charming.



The Romans and many ancient nations used pavements using stones or asphalt that were impermeable, meaning water could not drain into the surface under the pavement. This is very harmful to the natural systems of the Earth. Therefore, modern construction allows appropriate water drainage. Pavements and other types of outdoor floors should be made of pavement tiles to facilitate controlled water drainage into the soil for the benefit of the environment. It prevents unwanted surface runoff or buildup of water in the area and prevents soil erosion.

The manufacturing process of pavement tiles is also eco-friendly. They are fully machine-made with no production of harmful waste and toxic smoke. They are made by mixing concrete with a coloring agent, which is then poured into a mold of a particular shape. The mixture is allowed to set into the mold shape and harden. 

The application process is also simple and environmentally friendly. When the tiles are ready they are placed on the floor space which is evened by a foundation of stone and sand layers. The tiles require no adhesive to stick together. The gaps are simply filled with sand. The entire structure is then evened out via edging. 


Easy to Install & Customize

Due to their uniform structure and shape, pavement tiles are very easy to install. Once placed on the floor they require very little maintenance. They are placed on the ground and evened out simply by edging, and require no adhesive. Pavement tiles are very smooth and homogenous in shape so when they are placed on the ground they appear evenly spread out.

You can customize them into whatever size you want and pick your own color if needed. By customizing their size you may be customizing their PSI strength so bear that in mind. They do come in many shapes and colors to give off an attractive floor finish, so feel free to explore! 


Strength & Durability

Pavement tiles have high PSI strength and can withstand high load, making them very durable. They are flooring materials and need to withstand the load of many footsteps over time, therefore it makes sense for their immense strength. Since they are tough and require little maintenance they can be managed very well. 
Are you impressed by the numerous benefits of pavement tiles? Order your first 1000 pieces of bti pavement tiles from us for elegant floorwork. Call 16604, or Whatsapp: +8801313401405 or visit www.btibuildingproducts.com to know more!