How bti Paved The Way For Eco friendly Construction

How bti Paved The Way For Eco-friendly Construction

The construction industry is massively dependent on fossil fuel consumption, and heavily contributes to carbon emissions of a country. However, ever since global warming and pollution have become threats to peaceful living on this planet, we now understand the importance of protecting the environment.


Recently the Government of Bangladesh has encouraged the use of eco-friendly building products such as concrete hollow blocks. In fact, it has been suggested that by 2025 the use of traditional red bricks will be completely terminated for the sake of the environment. While several real estate companies have incorporated green practices within their construction plans way before this announcement, bti paved the way for ecologically beneficial construction for many years.


Bti has been a real estate leader for almost four decades. Unparalleled customer service, high credit rating, and years of experience has pushed us to contribute more to the construction industry. We have placed special emphasis on providing environmentally friendly solutions to homes, overall buildings, construction, and design.


Eco-friendly Building Blocks


Bti concrete hollow blocks have been in mainstream use since 2014, in an effort to construct in a more eco-friendly manner. These blocks are machine-made with a consistent finish, unlike traditional red bricks which contribute to notable air pollution during manufacture, and have a more rugged appearance. The genius innovation behind the concrete hollow blocks make it a far more versatile product compared to bricks. It is weather-resistant, salinity-resistant, lightweight, and in a way more time and cost-effective. One block is equivalent to the use of five red bricks. This means faster construction, less need of mortar and money, and therefore less air pollution. It is also fireproof, soundproof, and heatproof. The blocks interlock with each other, resulting in a uniform structure that is lighter, more energy-efficient, and more earthquake-resistant.


The blocks come in various sizes and types. You can use it to construct both residential and commercial projects. It can be used to construct external walls and internal partition walls. Even for architectural design and roof insulation it is suitable. The blocks are manufactured in our Dhamrai factory and are used in all of our projects. Other real estate developers and private landowners have also used our concrete blocks with delight to construct their projects. In this manner, bti has been encouraging green construction for a long time.


Bti Unipavers and Pavement Tiles


We did not limit ourselves to just hollow blocks. Even our pavement tiles and unipavers are eco-friendly. The unipavers are an amalgamation of cement, coarse sand, fine sand, pea gravel, and stone dust, all locally sourced and machine-manufactured. This way we are ensuring that recycled materials are used in a manner that is not harming the environment. They come in amazing colors and designs that can be customized according to your preferences. Unipavers are typically used as flooring materials in parking lots, driveways, footpaths, walkways, factory yards, etc.


Our pavement tiles are extremely elegant in terms of design and color. They give an earthy feel when used in rooftops, sidewalks, walkways etc. These eco-friendly products are also machine-made and cost-effective just like our other products. Perfect for gardening and landscaping, these products can be easily installed to add beauty to your homes and commercial buildings.


Green Construction and Design


Bti believes in energy efficiency to reduce the burden on the environment. Our construction ensures that all processes are done in a manner that does not waste energy. All our projects contain solar panels to harness and use energy to its fullest potential. Energy-saving lights are used wherever necessary to save electricity. Our residential projects have rooftops with proper insulation to manage thermal energy within. In Dhaka it is quite difficult to get homes with proper light and air flow. We design our projects in a way that maximises light and ventilation to ensure energy efficiency and comfort for the homeowners.


Our infamous bti Landmark project is a prime example of green construction. In fact it is LEED Gold certified by the US Green Building Council. Its anodized aluminium louvers regulate solar energy conversion. The Low E glasses naturally ventilate the place, and save up to 55% energy. It has its own rainwater harvesting system and filtration process. Used water is recycled. A water treatment plant is installed to make tap water drinkable. More of our recent projects particularly focus on environmentally friendly construction now.


Emphasis on Greenery


In every project we try to ensure adequate amounts of greenery, especially in the rooftop and ground floors. However, in our recent Wellness Communities collection we jumped to a whole new level. These projects are constructed in a manner that accommodates lush greenery. Whether it is the rooftop, ground floor, outdoor terraces, movie theater, play areas for children, we installed greenery to induce a refreshing and positive spirit among the homeowners. Bti also encourages gardening. Bti Property Management services and Square Feet Story give options to homeowners and organizations to participate in gardening and landscaping within their premises, homes, and offices.


This is just the start for bti in terms of green building and design. While we have been using eco-friendly building materials since 2014, our aim is to incorporate more green practices and design concepts in our future projects. This way we hope to reduce carbon emissions from the real estate industry.