Architecture & Building

Architecture & Building

The Role of Concrete Hollow Blocks in Meeting Green Building Standards

Concrete hollow blocks have long been used in the construction industry for their durability, strength, and thermal insulation properties. With the increasing demand for sustainable and eco-friendly buildings, their use has become more popular as they play a significant role in meeting green building standards. In Bangladesh, the Government also promotes their use for this reason, in the hopes of tackling climate change and also fulfilling housing demand. Here are some ways how concrete hollow blocks can meet green building standards.

Green building refers to the design, construction, and operation of buildings that have a reduced impact on the environment and promote sustainable living. One of the main principles of green building is energy efficiency, which involves reducing energy consumption in buildings by using materials that have high thermal insulation properties. Concrete hollow blocks are excellent materials for providing thermal insulation, as their hollow cores can be filled with insulating materials such as polystyrene or polyurethane foam, which can reduce the amount of energy needed to heat or cool the building. Therefore, concrete hollow blocks are perfect building materials no matter what the season is.

Another aspect of green building is the use of sustainable materials that have a minimal impact on the environment. Concrete hollow blocks are made from concrete, which is one of the most common building materials in the world. Concrete is composed of cement, water, sand, and aggregates such as gravel or crushed stone. The production of cement, however, is known to have a significant environmental impact due to its high energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. To address this issue, concrete hollow block manufacturers have started using alternative materials such as fly ash or ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) to partially replace cement, reducing its environmental impact.

In addition to their thermal insulation and sustainable properties, concrete hollow blocks also offer other benefits that make them suitable for green building. For example, concrete hollow blocks have a high fire resistance, making them ideal for use in buildings that require fire-rated walls or partitions. They are also resistant to pests and can withstand severe weather conditions, making them a suitable choice for buildings located in areas prone to earthquakes or hurricanes. With the recent earthquake and fire disasters making headlines, it seems concrete hollow blocks are needed more than ever.

Moreover, these blocks can be easily recycled and reused, reducing the amount of waste generated during the construction process. Blocks that are no longer required can be crushed and used as recycled aggregates for the production of new hollow blocks or other construction materials, reducing the need for fresh materials and lowering the carbon footprint of the building.

Concrete hollow blocks also offer design flexibility, allowing architects and designers to create unique and innovative structures. They can be used in different sizes and shapes, and their surface can be treated in various ways, such as polishing or painting, to create different textures and finishes. This design flexibility also allows concrete hollow blocks to be used in different construction techniques, such as load-bearing or non-load-bearing walls, or as a structural element in a building’s foundation. These properties also make them versatile. These blocks are often used for interior designing and landscaping as well. 

The use of concrete hollow blocks plays a significant role in meeting green building standards by providing thermal insulation, using sustainable materials, offering other benefits such as fire resistance and resistance to pests, and reducing waste generated during the construction process. Moreover, hollow blocks offer design flexibility, allowing architects and designers to create different types of structures. These blocks are clearly the best answer to sustainability and carbon footprint reduction.

Architecture & Building


As global temperatures continue to rise and the need for sustainable solutions becomes more pressing, industries across the world are turning to eco-friendly alternatives that can help reduce carbon footprints. One such industry that has made significant strides in this direction is the construction industry, which is responsible for a significant portion of the world’s carbon emissions. However, concrete hollow blocks can reduce carbon footprints because of most of their properties.  Find out why they are a great sustainable alternative for construction projects below.

What are Concrete Hollow Blocks?

It is important to start from knowing the basics about any innovative building material. Concrete hollow blocks are commonly used in construction projects and are essentially made of cement, water, and aggregates such as sand and gravel. These blocks have hollow spaces within them, which help reduce their weight and improve their insulation properties. Concrete hollow blocks are widely used in construction projects such as building foundations, walls, and retaining structures, and are known for their strength and durability.

How Do Concrete Hollow Blocks Reduce Carbon Footprint?

Use of Recycled Materials

One of the significant benefits of using concrete hollow blocks is that they can be made using recycled materials, which significantly reduces their carbon footprint. For example, aggregates such as crushed glass and recycled plastic can be used in place of sand and gravel, reducing the need for virgin materials. This not only helps reduce the carbon emissions associated with the production of new materials but also helps reduce waste in landfills.


Energy-Efficient Manufacturing Process

The manufacturing process of concrete hollow blocks is much more energy-efficient compared to other building materials such as brick or stone. Concrete hollow blocks are produced in factories using machine molds and hydraulic presses, which require less energy than traditional brick kilns. This not only helps reduce the carbon emissions associated with the manufacturing process but also helps conserve energy. The final outcome of the machine-led manufacturing process is a smooth hollow block that can be stacked with other blocks to create a building structure – almost like building a shape using Lego!


Insulation Properties

Concrete hollow blocks have excellent insulation properties, which help reduce the amount of energy required to heat or cool a building. This means that buildings constructed using concrete hollow blocks are more energy-efficient and require less energy to maintain comfortable temperatures, leading to a reduced carbon footprint no matter what the season. 



Concrete hollow blocks are incredibly durable and can last for several decades without requiring significant maintenance. This means that buildings constructed using these blocks have a longer lifespan, reducing the need for frequent repairs and renovations, which in turn reduces the carbon emissions associated with construction activities.


Why are Concrete Hollow Blocks a Great Sustainable Alternative?

Concrete hollow blocks are an excellent sustainable alternative for construction projects for several reasons:

Low Environmental Impact

Concrete hollow blocks have a lower environmental impact compared to other building materials such as bricks or stones. They require fewer raw materials, less energy, and have a longer lifespan, making them a more sustainable option for construction projects.

Lower Cost

Concrete hollow blocks are more cost-effective compared to other building materials, such as bricks or stones. This is because they require fewer raw materials and are produced using an energy-efficient manufacturing process.


Concrete hollow blocks are incredibly versatile and can be used for a wide range of construction projects, including foundations, landscaping, interiors, walls, and retaining structures. They can be easily customized to suit different design requirements, making them a popular choice for architects and builders.

Concrete hollow blocks are an excellent sustainable alternative for construction projects and can significantly reduce carbon footprints. They have excellent insulation properties, require fewer raw materials, are produced using an energy-efficient manufacturing process, and have a longer lifespan compared to other building materials. As the need for sustainable solutions becomes more pressing, the use of concrete hollow blocks is likely to increase in popularity, making them a popular choice for eco-conscious builders and architects.

Architecture & Building

How to Make Raised Garden Beds With Hollow Blocks

Raised garden beds have become popular among gardeners due to their numerous benefits such as improved soil health, better drainage, ease of access, and even aesthetics. Beginner gardener enthusiasts will also know that raised garden beds help to grow more plants in a compact space.   One cost-effective and durable material to use for building raised garden beds is hollow blocks. 

Here’s how you can make raised garden beds using hollow blocks:

Step 1: Choose the Right Site

Select a location for your raised garden beds that receives adequate sunlight for the plants you wish to grow. Make sure the site is level, as you want your garden beds to be even and stable.

Step 2: Decide on the Size and Shape of Your Garden Bed

Choose the size and shape of your garden bed based on the amount of space you have available and the plants you wish to grow. Hollow blocks are available in standard sizes, so you can easily calculate how many blocks you need to build your garden bed.

Step 3: Prepare the Ground

Remove any grass or weeds from the site and level the ground. If necessary, you can add a layer of sand or gravel to ensure that the ground is level. Regular pest control will be necessary at one point, so stay in touch with experts who provide gardening care and pest control services.

Step 4: Lay the First Layer of Blocks

Start by laying the first layer of hollow blocks in a square or rectangular shape. Make sure that the blocks are level and securely placed on the ground. You can use a level to ensure that each block is level.

Step 5: Add the Second Layer

Add the second layer of blocks on top of the first layer, making sure to stagger the joints between the blocks for added stability. An additional advantage of raised garden beds is that they are sort of makeshift. You can always move the garden bed to another location, or reinforce the current one with more layers of hollow blocks. 

Step 6: Fill the Garden Bed

Fill the garden bed with high-quality soil that is rich in organic matter. Make sure to mix in compost, peat moss, or other organic matter to improve soil health.

Step 7: Plant Your Garden

Finally, you can plant your garden with the plants of your choice. Consider using a plant support system, such as a trellis, to help support tall plants like tomatoes and peppers. A great thing to do is compartmentalize types of plants. So, you can grow fruits on one bed, and vegetables on the other!

In conclusion, building raised garden beds with hollow blocks is a cost-effective and durable solution for any gardening lover. By following these simple steps, you can have a beautiful and productive garden in no time in your own home.

Architecture & Building

Your Guide To Use Concrete Hollow Blocks

Concrete hollow blocks are quite popular as building materials in construction projects all over the world today. They are made by mixing concrete and other by-products such as fly ash to form a solid block that is then hollowed out to create a lightweight and durable construction material. This versatile building material offers several benefits over traditional bricks.

  1. Lightweight and Durable: Concrete hollow blocks are much lighter than solid concrete blocks, making them easier to handle and transport. They are also highly durable and can withstand extreme weather conditions, making them a suitable choice for building homes and other structures in areas prone to earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters.
  2. Cost-effective: Concrete hollow blocks are relatively inexpensive compared to other building materials, making them a cost-effective option for builders and contractors. They are also available in various sizes and shapes, making them suitable for a wide range of construction projects.
  3. Energy Efficient: The hollow cavities in concrete hollow blocks help to reduce heat transfer, making buildings built with these blocks more energy-efficient. This can lead to significant energy savings, especially in areas with extreme temperatures.
  4. Easy to Install: Concrete hollow blocks are relatively easy to install, and no special tools or equipment are required. This makes them an ideal choice for DIY projects and small-scale construction projects.
  5. Eco-friendly: Concrete hollow blocks are made from natural materials, making them an environmentally friendly option for building construction. They are also recyclable, which means they are a sustainable choice for builders who are concerned about the environment.

We must remember that these benefits are achievable to their fullest potentials by following the basic guidelines from the concrete hollow block rule book. Here are a few things to keep in mind when using concrete hollow blocks in construction:

  1. Quality Control: Make sure to purchase high-quality concrete hollow blocks from a reputable manufacturer. Poor-quality blocks can compromise the stability and strength of the structure. If you want to high-quality concrete hollow blocks, bti Building Products might be a right option for you.
  2. Loading Capacity: Consider the weight-bearing capacity of the blocks when planning the construction. This will ensure that the structure is safe and secure.
  3. Proper Laying Technique: The blocks should be laid properly to ensure a strong and stable structure. This means ensuring the correct alignment and bond of the blocks, as well as proper mortar application.
  4. Reinforcement: Reinforcement, such as steel bars, should be used in the blocks to increase their strength and stability. This is critically important in areas prone to earthquakes and other natural disasters.
  5. Waterproofing: Consider waterproofing the structure to prevent water damage. This can be achieved by using waterproofing materials or by installing a waterproofing membrane.
  6. Professional Supervision: It is recommended to have a professional supervise the construction process to ensure that all the steps are carried out correctly. This will help to avoid mistakes that can compromise the stability and safety of the structure.

Concrete hollow blocks are a versatile, cost-effective, and eco-friendly building material with low water absorption which is suitable for a wide range of construction projects. However, the efficient and proper use of concrete hollow blocks will help extract the maximum benefit out of it. Proper planning and attention to detail are essential when using concrete hollow blocks in construction. By keeping these key points in mind, you can ensure that the structure is strong, stable, and safe. Use concrete hollow block, go green.

Architecture & Building

Hollow Blocks In Architecture: Where Design Meets Affordability

Shelter, along with food and clothes, is one of man’s three fundamental needs. Prehistoric humans lived in caves and eventually started building mud walls. Over time, numerous masonry techniques were created, eventually forming a structural component of the shelter. Burnt brick and stone masonry were common in the beginning.

With the growing demand for construction, cheaper and faster techniques and materials are the need of the hour. Keeping that in mind, then came the idea of concrete blocks. 

There are two types of concrete blocks. 1. Solid, & 2. Hollow. We will talk about hollow concrete blocks and their advantages in this following article.

Why Concrete Blocks?

Source: Arch Daily

Concrete blocks are the type of building material that makes it possible to build structures more quickly and affordably than traditional bricks.

Because of their uniform size and shape, these blocks are simple to install. They are also lighter, which allows for faster construction work. Hollow blocks are simple to deal with, even for newly trained workers. Concrete hollow blocks are extremely eco-friendly.

How Can We Incorporate Hollow Blocks Creatively Into Architecture?

Source: Arch Daily

The fundamental building component has evolved to give more comprehensive solutions, such as waterproofing. Some current models have additives added to the mixture that creates them to raise the surface tension of the block and prevent water movement. There are other blocks with varying edges to deflect water away from the surface.

Hollow blocks are used to build different kinds of walls for different purposes like retaining walls, decorative walls, classic walls, etc.

Advantages Of Hollow Concrete Blocks in Architecture

Source: Arch Daily

The excellent durability of concrete hollow blocks is one of their major aspects. Concrete hollow blocks are compressed by high pressure and vibration, resulting in exceptionally strong blocks that can bear a high amount of loading. 

They are also resistant to fire and have no salinity, which lowers their maintenance costs.

The use of larger concrete blocks minimizes the number of joints in the work and so saves mortar. Hollow concrete blocks have good insulating properties against sound, heat, and dampness.

The hollow blocks provide good stability to the structure. So, these blocks are used for a large work of masonry. They have been used in load-bearing walls as well as non-load-bearing walls.

Take Away

Source: Arch Daily

Working with hollow concrete bricks benefits both construction businesses and homeowners. Architects all over the world are taking advantage of the design adaptability that hollow bricks provide, allowing them to cut project costs while maintaining spatial and architectural quality in high-end, luxury venues. 

Construction firms are also beginning to experience operational gains, while homeowners are reaping the benefits of decreased heating, cooling, and maintenance expenditures.

Architecture & Building

Breeze Block Wall: A Cool Addition to Your Home

There are plenty of sun-shading techniques practiced in modern architecture nowadays. One that continues to make a comeback is the breeze block wall. In fact, it has been around in our homes and institutions since ancient times and quite strongly stood the test of time due to its numerous uses and decorative purposes.

In the vast fertile plains of Bengal, soil was used to make pretty much anything. Terracotta breeze block walls were a huge hit back then. We did however evolve from terracotta and ornate jali designs depicting Hindu deities, and moved on to Islamic geometric patterned breeze block walls during the Mughal era, inspired by the Arab style of mashrabiya.

As architecture continued to adapt and adjust to modern human trends, we slowly started building breeze block walls with traditional red bricks. A prime example of using red bricks to create perforated walls and windows is the Baitur Rauf Mosque in Faydabad, Dhaka, designed by award-winning architect Marina Tabassum. Red bricks are readily available and more affordable than terracotta, and also produce a similar effect and color to terracotta. The breeze block wall created allows worshippers extensive privacy to pray as well as respite from the heat with shade. Yet, the mosque remains equally bright because of rays of the sun peeking in through the perforations of the breeze block walls.

With the current eco-friendly drive towards green construction, red bricks are less used now. Breeze block walls made from non-structural concrete hollow blocks have become the norm. In fact, concrete hollow blocks are quite ideal for designing customized breeze block walls. Concrete hollow blocks are made from recycled materials from the construction industry, and are machine-made, giving them a smooth and clean appearance. They are highly tough and durable, and can keep the interiors cool during the summers and warm during the winters. Their production does not cause pollution or waste. The hollow within each block is what makes them ideal for customizing into different shapes for breeze block walls.

The basic purpose of a breeze block wall is to provide shade but not totally without light. It is a very healthy way of soaking in some vitamin D from the sunlight but also staying indoors with privacy and ample shade. Usually patterned concrete blocks are stacked conveniently on top of one another to form the wall. They cover the side of a building usually receiving most sunshine. Breeze block walls are suitable for both residential and commercial complexes. Apart from looking extremely exquisite and elegant, they also provide the entry of natural breeze and proper circulation throughout the building. For these reasons, breeze block walls are also able to provide protection during strong winds and storms.

Breeze block walls are also called screen blocks or sun-reducing screens. It is a very affordable way to make a building appear interesting, filter out harsh sunlight, and encourage ventilation. They are largely used in countries with hot, tropical climates such as Bangladesh. The best part about breeze block walls is that you can make them as simple or as ornate as you like, yet they would be just as functional and aesthetic.

Visit the bti Building Products website to explore our collection of building products such as pavement tiles and unipaves that can complement the beauty of your walls!